Bognor House Day Nursery
Bognor House Day Nursery

Our Fees Jan 2024- Dec 2024

Bognor House Day Nursery offers Nursery provision throughout the year only closing for Bank Holidays and between Christmas and the New Year.


We are open Monday – Thursday 8.00am to 6.00pm and Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm. Within our structure we can offer the following sessions:

3 & 4 Year Old fees: 

Morning session includes mid-morning snack        

08.30 – 12.00


Afternoon session includes afternoon snack             

1.00 – 4.30   


Lunchtime session 1 hours care and 2 course lunch



Full day includes morning snack, lunch & afternoon snack    

08.30- 4.30


Full day includes snack, lunch, afternoon snack & cooked tea

08.30 – 6.00 or 8.00-5.30


Full day includes snack, lunch, afternoon snack & cooked tea

08.00 – 6.00


Teatime session.1 hours care and 2 course cooked tea



Additional half hours (from 8-8.30 or every half hour between 4.30-6pm bookable)




2 Year Old fees:

Morning session includes mid-morning snack        

08.30 – 12.00


Afternoon session, includes afternoon snack

1.00 – 4.30


Lunchtime session 1 hours care and 2 course lunch

12.00 – 1.00


Full day includes morning snack, lunch & afternoon snack     

8.30 – 4.30


 Full day includes morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack & cooked tea

08.30 – 6.00 or 8.00-5.30


Full day includes morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack &cooked tea     



Teatime session. 1 hours care and 2 course cooked tea

4.30 – 5.30


Additional half hours ( from 8-8.30 or every half hour between 4.30-6pm bookable)




18 Months to 2 Years fees:  


Morning session includes mid-morning snack        

08.30 – 12.00


Afternoon session, includes afternoon snack

1.00 – 4.30


Lunchtime session 1 hours care and 2 course lunch

12.00 – 1.00


Full day includes morning snack, lunch & afternoon snack     

8.30 – 4.30


 Full day includes morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack & cooked tea

08.30 – 6.00 or 8.00-5.30


Full day includes morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack &cooked tea     



Teatime session. 1 hours care and 2 course cooked tea

4.30 – 5.30


Additional half hours (from 8-8.30 or every half hour between 4.30-6pm bookable)



Early Years Nursery Funding from 9 months of age

Children are eligable for Nursery Education Funding from the begining of the term commencing after they turn 9months of age. Children are eligable to 570 hours of funding on a rolling year, the grant is calculated over a 38 week period but as we are open 50 weeks of the year we spread it across this period which means eligable children are entitled to 11 hours per week.


We will be claiming a maximum of 6 hours in a whole day and 3 hours or 2 hours in a morning/afternoon session. Please see the table below for a breakdown of funded sessions and charges going forward from 1st September 2024. Charges for funded sessions relates to that part of the session NOT covered by the Nursery Education Grant and for services that are not linked to the Nursery Education funded place.


Currently parents of 3 & 4 year olds maybe eligible for extended funding, this is an additional 10 hours per week on top of the 11. Please see the following link Check you're eligible for free childcare if you're working - GOV.UK (



Session Times

Funded Session Charge for 3 & 4 year olds

8.30 –12 or


£15 (3 hours claimed) / £20 (2 hours claimed)

8.30 – 4.30

£32 (6 hours claimed)

£36 (3 hours claimed AM & 2 hours claimed PM)



Session Times

Funded Session Charge for 2 year olds

8.30-12 or


£12 (3 hours claimed) / £18 (2 hours claimed)


£22 (6 hours claimed)

£28 (3 hours claimed AM & 2 hours claimed PM)



Session Times

Funded Session Charge from 9 months

8.30-12 or


£5 (3 hours claimed) / £15 (2 hours claimed)


£10 (6 hours claimed)

£18 (3 hours claimed AM & 2 hours claimed PM)


Terms & Conditions:


Deposits & Registration Fees

To reserve a nursery place for your child more than a month in advance, a deposit of £100.00 will be required this will then be deducted from your first nursery fee’s Invoice.

There is a one off induction fee of £100.00 which is required upon completion of registration forms and booking of sessions, this covers the cost of settling in sessions, learning diary and administration time.



Payments can be made by: cash, parent vouchers, BACS or standing order


Additional hours must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.

A late pick up fee will be levied in the case of parents not collecting their children on time: £6 per child, within the first 15 minutes and each 15 minutes thereafter.

Children will not be admitted to Nursery before their session is due to commence as this will affect our child staff ratios.

We accept all Child Care vouchers.

10 % Reduction is available on the fees of a second and subsequent siblings attending Nursery.



Please note:

  • The nursery will be closed on Bank Holidays and from Christmas to the New Year (this is not charged).
  • Fees are payable monthly or weekly IN ADVANCE
  • Late payment parents will be charged a fee of 10% of the outstanding amount.
  • Bognor House Day Nursery will pursue all unpaid fees through the small claims court.
  • Bognor House Day Nursery reserves the right to change or cancel a child’s session if fees are outstanding.
  • As staffing levels and expenses are ongoing, fees are still payable when a child is ill/hospitalised/absent for other reason.
  • A full months written notice is required to cancel Nursery sessions
  • If a child is prescribed antibiotics they will not be permitted into the Nursery for a period of 48 hours after commencing the drug this is in case the child has an allergic reaction to the drug. When the child has been given the same treatment previously this is at the manager’s discretion.
  • Children should, of course, be kept at home if suffering from an infectious illness.
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© Bognor House Day Nursery